
Cookies are a mechanism for maintaining state in an HTTP transaction. They allow a server side application to store some data with the client which is returned each time the client makes a request to the same server. Cookies are sent to the browser via a Set-Cookie header in the HTTP response and returned to the server in a Cookie header. To make use of cookies in a WSGI web application we need to work out how to create and consume these headers and manipulate their contents in our programs.

Let's look at an example of both kinds of header. Here's a response from a server that sets a cookie:

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 03:18:25 GMT
Server: WSGIServer/0.1 Python/2.7.2+
content-type: text/html
Set-Cookie: likes=cheese

The last header like contains a cookie called 'likes' with a value 'cheese', the browser will by default store this locally and send it back with any request to the same URL. Here is a request that includes the same cookie:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8000
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.10 Chromium/17.0.963.56 Chrome/17.0.963.56 Safari/535.11
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Referer: http://localhost:8000/?like=cheese
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,sdch
Accept-Language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.6
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.3
Cookie: likes=cheese

Again the last line contains the cookie 'likes' with the value 'cheese'. Let's look at how to generate and consume cookies with Python.

Generating Cookies

In Bottle, cookies are associated with the request and response objects. To create a cookie We use the set_cookie method of the response object. This takes two parameters, the cookie name and the value, and sets a cookie that we sent back with the response to the browser. We can see this in this example:

>>> bottle.response.set_cookie('test', 'hello')
>>> print(bottle.response)
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: test=hello

Note the printing out the response shows is the headers that will be sent back to the browser. This could be useful sometimes in debugging your code. In this case we see the sec cookie header With the value test set hello.

Note that we don't yet have the other attributes of the cookie that were in the first example - the expiry date and the path. These can be added by adding more parameters to the set cookie call, for example:

>>> import datetime
>>> ts =
>>> bottle.response.set_cookie('test', 'hello', path='/', expires=ts)
>>> print(bottle.response)
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Set-Cookie: test=hello; expires=Sat, 21 Mar 2015 11:21:42 GMT; Path=/

In this example we use the daytime library calculating expiry date for the cookie one day ahead of now. As you can see, and print out the response wishing extra fields in the cookie header.

Let's look at this now in the context of a web application that sets a cookie.

def index():
    """Home page"""

    info = {'title': 'Welcome Home!',
            'content': 'Hello'

    bottle.response.set_cookie('visited', 'yes')

    return bottle.template('simple.tpl', info)

This application sets a cookie called visited value zero whenever the homepage is requested. The cookie will be returned with the response headers, and then the browser will send it back and every subsequent request. Analysis of how to consume the cookie with Bottle.

Consuming Cookies

If a browser sends a request after we set a cookie, the cookie header will be included with every request. To find out its any cookies we can query the Bottle request object using the get_cookie method. This take a single argument, the name of a cookie, and returns a value if there is one, or none if no cookie was sent. Using this we can extend the little application above to check for the 'visited' cookie when the page is requested. If the 'visited' cookie is found, Will use a different message from the page content. Here is the code for that example:

def index():
    """Home page"""

    info = {'title': 'Welcome Home!',
            'content': 'This is your first visit.'

    visits = bottle.request.get_cookie('visited')

    if visits:
        info['content'] = 'You have been here before.'

    bottle.response.set_cookie('visited', 'yes')

    return bottle.template('simple.tpl', info)

The first time I request the page, there will be no cookie and so the value of visits will be None, On the page content will be 'This is your first visit', but the response will contain a Set-cookie header for the 'visited' cookie. On the next request, the browser will send the 'visited' cookie in the request headers. The application code Will then get value back from get_cookie and the statement Will modify the page content to 'You have been here before'. This is perhaps the simplest use cookies we can imagine.

Let's develop a simple application that makes use of a cookie to record some information. The application will present a form to ask us for something that we like. We'll enter some text which will be submitted to the application. The application will create a cookie called 'likes' who's value is the text we entered and send it back to us. When we later re-visit the application, the cookie will be sent along and the application will display the value that we entered earlier.

There are two ways that input will be sent to this application - one from the form that the user submits, the other from the cookie that the application sets. We will handle these through different URLs. The form to record a like will be sent as a POST request to the URL /likes, the procedure for this will get the value submitted in the form, if any, and set a cookie in the response. It will then return a redirect response that will include the cookie, with the location set to the URL /. When the browser receives the redirect response, it automatically makes a second request for the new URL that is specified; in this case a GET request for the / URL.

First then, here's the page template we'll use. It will display the value of likes if it is not None, and display the form for submitting a like value:


         % if likes:
          <p>You like {{likes}}</p>
         % end

          <form method='POST' action='/likes'>
              <legend>What do you like? </legend>
                <li><input name='likes'></li>
              <input type='submit'>


The application code to handle the form submission is as follows:

from bottle import Bottle, request, response, template, redirect

app = Bottle()'/likes')
def like():
    """Process like form post request"""

    # get the form field
    likes = request.forms.get('likes')

    if likes:
        response.set_cookie('likes', likes)

    return redirect('/')

Note that the decorator on this function is'/likes') which means that it will only respond to POST requests to this URL. A GET request would result in a 404 response.

Note also that in some earlier versions of Bottle the redirect function would reset the response object and wipe out the cookie we added. If this code doesn't work for you, try updating to the most recent version of Bottle.

The function to handle the main page is quite simple. It tries to get the cookie value from the request using get_cookie; this returns None if no cookie is present. The returned value is then sent to the template for display. If the cookie has no value then the template will just display the form; otherwise it will display the value passed in via the cookie.

def index():
    """Home page"""

    info = dict()
    info['title'] = 'Welcome Home!'
    # cookie value, None if no cookie sent
    info['likes'] = request.get_cookie('likes')

    return template('cookies.tpl', info)

This example illustrates a simple application structure that makes use of different URLs for different actions. Being able to handle each kind of input separately, makes each application procedure quite simple and easy to follow. It illustrates a simple use of cookies to keep track of user data between requests. This isn't a realistic application; it would be unusual to store real user data in a cookie, much more normal to use database server side database. As we 'll see you later chapters cookies are used as keys into this database to retrieve user data.


  1. Write an application that keeps track of how many times a user has visited it using a cookie. The first time a user visits they are sent a cookie 'count' with a value 1, every subsequent request will include this cookie, and the application gets the value of the cookie, increments it by 1 and returns it as a new cookie (note that if you return a new cookie with the same name as one already sent, the browser will overwrite its store with the new value). The application should return a page containing the count of number of visits.
  2. Extend the 'likes' application above to allow more than one thing to be stored in the cookie. If you get a form submission and a cookie, add the new 'like' from the form to the existing cookie value separated by a delimiter like '|'. Then, when you get a cookie, use the split method to split the cookie value into the different things that the user likes. Hint: write procedures to join and split the cookie values and call them from your application to process the cookies that you get.
  3. Write an application that uses cookies to enforce a 'license agreement' on its users. If a user has not visited before, they are shown a page that asks them to agree to some terms and conditions, if they accept them (e.g. check a checkbox and hit Submit) then they are given a cookie and shown the content page. If a request arrives with a cookie, they go straight to the content page.