Session Management

The HTTP protocol is stateless, which means that every HTTP request that arrives at a server can be treated independently and the server doesn't need to remember anything about who it sends pages to. This means that web servers can be made very efficient and can serve large amounts of traffic very quickly. The down-side is that we need to develop another mechanism to keep track of an individual user's interaction with our site. We might want to do this to enable web commerce - implementing a shopping cart for example - or just so that we can understand our user's better, maybe to serve them appropriate advertising.

The general model for keeping track of users is the user session. A session begins when the user first visits one of the pages on our site, and ends either after a fixed time or when the user takes some action like logging out of the site. Sessions can be anonymous or identified depending on the requirements of the particular site. An anonymous session assigns a unique identifier to a user but doesn't associate that with a real identity. An identified session asks the user to login and identify themselves at the start of the session.

Cookies and Sessions

User sessions are implemented using the HTTP cookie mechanism. As discussed earlier, cookies provide a means of maintaining state between HTTP requests by requiring that a client return a cookie with every request once it has been sent as part of an HTTP response.

Cookies themselves can be used to store information about the client's actions. For example, an early use of cookies was to store the items in a shopping cart; as the user selected items to be added to the cart, the cookie value would be updated with the item identifier and returned to the client. In this way, the list of items in the cart is stored by the client, not the server. Only when the user wants to purchase the items is any server side storage needed (to represent the order). This is a kind of session management that relies entirely on the client to store the session state. It has the advantage of reducing the storage requirements on the server but puts some limits on the amount of information that can usefully be stored. While cookies can be used to store up to around 4k of data, large cookies make each HTTP request large and potentially impact the performance of the site. Add to this the fact that acquiring user data is seen as a very positive thing for business these days - user data is a valuable asset - and we find that it is now very uncommon to implement sessions in this way.

The alternative to storing user session data in the cookie is to store it in a server side database and use the cookie value as a key into the database. This is the standard approach to user session management which is implemented in most web development frameworks. The server side database requires a single table that will store the session key and whatever information the site wishes to associate with a user. This might be a list of items for a shopping cart or a page visit history if we are trying to keep track of how users are using the website.

Sessions Example

To illustrate anonymous session management we'll develop a simple application that extends the likes application described in the SQLite chapter. In that version we used a single database table to store likes, there were no users and everyone visiting the site would see the same list. This version will store the likes along with a user identifier that we will pass back to the user in a cookie. To start, we add a new table to the database to store the session keys and modify the likes table to include the session key as a field associated with each like:

def create_table(db):
    """Create database table for the application
    given a database connection 'db'.
    Removes any existing data that might be in the

    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS likes")
    cursor.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sessions")
    CREATE TABLE likes (
       thing text,
       key text
    CREATE TABLE sessions (
        key text unique primary key

The key field will be a randomly generated string that will be used to identify the user. The sessions table stores all current valid sessions so that we can validate cookies that are sent to us - if a session key isn't in the table then it is some kind of fake cookie that might be being used to attack our site. We add the key field to the likes table so that each liked thing is associated with a session key. When we serve a page now, we'll only list those likes for the current user.

The next step is to write a function to create a new entry in the sessions table. This will generate a new random key, add it to the database and create a cookie in the response to be sent back to the user:

def new_session(db):
    """Make a new session key, store it in the db.
    Add a cookie to the response with the session key and
    return the new session key"""

    # use the uuid library to make the random key
    key = str(uuid.uuid4())
    cur = db.cursor()
    # store this new session key in the database with no likes in the value
    cur.execute("INSERT INTO sessions VALUES (?)", (key,))

    response.set_cookie(COOKIE_NAME, key)

    return key

Generating a unique identifier in Python is made easy by the uuid (universally unique identifier) module (UUID is an internet standard for generating identifiers that are very unlikely to be duplicates). The uuid4 function generates a random identifier as an instance of the UUID class, the code above converts this to a string and stores it in the variable key. The procedure then inserts a new record into the database with the generated session key. It then creates a new cookie in the response using the variable COOKIE_NAME which we will set to a suitable value in the application.

The next procedure we'll write will be used to find the key associate with the current request. It will first look for a cookie and try to validate the session key in the database. If no key is found, it will create a new session:

def get_session(db):
    """Get the current session key if any, if not, return None"""

    key = request.get_cookie(COOKIE_NAME)

    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute("SELECT key FROM sessions WHERE key=?", (key,))

    row = cur.fetchone()
    if not row:
        # no existing session so we create a new one
        key = new_session(db)

    return key

Here we use the COOKIE_NAME variable again to make sure that we're looking for the same cookie that we sent back. We get the cookie from the request and then check that we can find this value in the sessions table. If it isn't found we make a new one and finally return the session key.

The third job is to modify the code that stores and retrieves likes to add the session key associated with the value. This involves adding the session key as a parameter to these functions and modifying the SQL query to restrict the rows we retrieve to those that contain the session key:

def store_like(db, key, like):
    """Store a new like in the database associated with this session key"""

    cursor = db.cursor()
    cursor.execute("INSERT INTO likes (thing, key) VALUES (?, ?)", (like, key))

def get_likes(db, key):
   """Return a list of likes from the database for this key"""

   cursor = db.cursor()
   cursor.execute("SELECT thing FROM likes WHERE key=?", (key,))
   result = []
   for row in cursor:
   return result

Having written the helper procedures, we can now modify the application code to make use of them. To generate the home page the code is the same as in the earlier example but we add a call to get_session to get the current (or new) session key. This is then passed to get_likes to restrict the likes that we retrieve.

def index(db):
    """Home page"""

    key = get_session(db)

    info = dict()
    info['title'] = 'Welcome Home!'
    # get the list of likes from the database
    info['likes'] = get_likes(db, key)

    return template('dblikes.tpl', info)

The code to handle the form submission also has a minor change to add in the call to get_session:'/likes')
def like(db):
    """Process like form post request"""

    # get the form field
    likes = request.forms.get('likes')

    key = get_session(db)

    if likes:
        store_like(db, key, likes)

    return redirect('/')

This is then the complete application that makes use of a session table. If you run this it should send you a cookie with a new key the first time you access the site (check the request headers in your browser developer tools). If you then submit some values via the form, they should be stored in the database and listed in the resulting pages. To check that the sessions are working, start up another web browser (or delete cookies from the domain with your developer tools) and you should see an empty list of likes again.

Make sure you understand how this application is working. This is a key method of session management on the web and is the core of any application that allows long-lived sessions with a user.

This example shows the use of a database to store user information under a session key which identifies the user only by a random string. This technique can be used to store any amount of information about the user from the contents of a shopping cart to display preferences or a page click history. A variation on this technique is implemented by most web development frameworks in use today.


  1. The application doesn't provide any way to reset the list or end the session. You could implement this by removing the session key from the sessions table and any likes from the likes table. Implement an option "Forget Me" as a POST request to the URL /forget and include a button in your page template to trigger this.

Supporting Login

In the example above, the user session was initiated as soon as the user first visited the site, and the session table was used to keep track of anonymous user data. Another important use of a session table is to track logged in users and the differences with the methods described above are quite small.

To keep track of a login session, the session is not created until a valid username/password pair has been submitted by the user. A user table is needed in the database to store this and whatever other user data is required by the application. The session key and cookie are created in the same way as described above and the cookie is returned to the user in the same way.

The main job of the session table is used to translate between the session key and the user identity. The session table stores the username as part of the session data so that when a valid cookie is received, the application can identify the logged in user.

An important requirement for authenticated sessions is the ability to close the session either when the user logs out or after a pre-defined time period. Since the cookie value that identifies the user could be exposed in some circumstances (eg. on a shared computer) it is important that it doesn't have an indefinite life. The procedure to logout a user involves invalidating the session by removing the row from the sessions table. In this way, if an old session key does arrive in a cookie, the application won't recognise it and the user will be forced to login once again.

See the chapter on authentication for further discussion of user authentication issues in web applications.


  1. Extend the example above to support authenticated sessions by requiring a username and password to be submitted before generating the session.
  2. Implement the logout functionality that removes a session from the session table.