Scripting Forms
POST and GET Requests
You'll recall that when a user fills out a form on an HTML page, the
browser will collect together the form data and send either a GET or
POST request to the URL defined in the action
attribute, depending on
the method
attribute. When the method is GET, the form data will be
encoded and added to the URL in the GET request; when the method is
POST, the form data is encoded in the same way but this time is sent as
the body of the request.
Just as we can make requests for web pages using urlopen
we can also
mimic the behaviour of the browser in sending form data back to a
server. By default, urlopen
will send a GET request when given a URL
but if we supply an extra data
argument, it will send a POST request.
We can use this facility to automate the submission of forms on the web.
There are many reasons one might wish to automate form submission.
- Automated testing of web applications: if we are able to send requests, including form submissions, it is possible to write a script to automate functional testing of an application.
- Automating search: being able to submit queries to a search engine automatically can help in evaluating the visibility of a site to different search terms.
- Automating messaging: imagine a service that can send out a message as a Tweet and a Facebook post. This could be implemented by a script that submitted forms to the respective services.
- Repetitive tasks: we can automate a repetitive task such as sending messages to a large number of users or submitting multiple entries for an online competition.
This last example highlights how it might be possible to behave badly with this knowledge of how to script HTTP requests. It is relatively easy to submit large quantities of votes for online polls or entries for competitions with a script. If you are running such a website, you will want to guard against this kind of behaviour if you want your poll to be representative or your competition fair. We'll look at the problem of blocking this behaviour later in this chapter.
Sending a GET Request
<form method='GET' action=''>
<label for='q'>Query:</label><input name='q'>
<label for='first'>First Result</label><input name='first'>
<input type='submit'>
This form can be used to send a query to the Bing
search engine from Microsoft. There are other form fields that are
normally sent but just sending the q
field will get a page of results.
I've also added the first
field which tells Bing which result to start
with - this is used in returning the different pages of results. (Note
that Google used to support queries like this but has now made it more
complicated to send queries from third party sites). To simulate this
query from a script we need to send the form field in a GET request.
This means encoding it as part of the URL following a ?
character; so
to search for 'cheese' we would send a GET request to
. For a simple query this is
just a string concatenation but in general, we are supposed to encode
the query string so that characters that are not allowed in a URL are
replaced by entities. To search for "Steve's Homepage" we need to add
- for a discussion of the encoding scheme see
Percent-encoding on
Luckily we don't need to implement this encoding ourselves, urllib
contains a function urllib.parse.urlencode
to do this for us. Using
this, we can write a function to submit a query to Bing as follows:
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen
def bingsearch(term, first):
"""Perform a search on Bing for this term, return
the resulting search page starting with the result
number 'first'"""
url = ""
data = urlencode({'q': term, 'first': first})
queryurl = url + "?" + data
fd = urlopen(queryurl)
content =
return content.decode('utf-8')
The urlencode
function takes a dictionary of form fields and values
and returns a string with the encoded data. This string is then added to
the end of the URL following a ?
character and the page is requested
as in the previous chapter. The resulting page will contain all of the
links to matching pages found by Bing. We could use the get_links
function from the previous chapter to extract the links from the page
for further processing.
Sending a POST Request
<form action='/submit' method='POST'>
<label for='name'>Name</label>:<input name='name'>
<label for='age'>Age</label>: <input name='age'>
<input type='submit'>
For an example of a POST request we will consider the above form that
can be used to submit a name and age to a web application. If this form
is served from the page
then the URL we
need to submit to is
. The code to submit
the form is similar to the GET example above, but this time we need to
pass the form data to the urlopen
function instead of adding it to the
URL. Here is the code:
def send_name_age(name, age):
"""Perform a search on Bing for this term, return
the resulting search page starting with the result
number 'first'"""
url = ""
data = urlencode({'name': name, 'age', age})
fd = urlopen(url, data.encode('utf-8'))
content =
return content.decode('utf-8')
To pass data into urlopen
it must be formatted as a byte string, this
is the reason for the call to data.encode('utf-8')
. Again the content
returned will be whatever the web application returns in response to
this form submission.
It is worth noting that urlopen
will by default follow any "303 See
Other" (redirect) responses that it gets in response to the initial
request. That means that if you send a login request with a username and
password which returns a redirect response, you will get back the
contents of the redirected page.
In the example of a login page, it would be common to have a cookie
returned with the response. If we wanted to carry out requests on behalf
of the logged in user, we would need to save the cookie and send it back
to the site in later requests, just as the web browser would do. Python
provides an object called
to keep track of cookies. To use it we need to install a custom request
handler for the urllib
import http.cookiejar, urllib.request
cj = http.cookiejar.CookieJar()
opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
r ="")
Once installed, the cookie jar will keep track of cookies in the same way that the browser does, sending them back to the appropriate sites when requests are made.
Blocking Automated Scripts
Given the ease with which we are able to write scripts to automate web requests, it would seem to be difficult to ensure that any poll or competition on the web could be run fairly. An application running such a service would need to take steps to limit automated responses. Some examples of how to do this are listed here, along with ways to get around them:
- Use a cookie to keep track of users and prevent multiple submissions from the same user. Easily fooled by not taking notice of cookies - or taking notice only enough to submit the form.
- Hide your form through Javascript. The page returned contains one form but Javascript is used to modify it in some way - by adding fields or changing the action URL. Get around this by looking at the HTTP traffic sent when the form is submitted by the browser.
- Keep track of user IP addresses, only allow one submission per IP address. This is harder to fool but can backfire since many organisations will share a single IP address over multiple users, so you would be blocking all employees from taking part if you blocked on IP address.
- One entry per email address. To get around this I can either fake an email address or if you require me to authenticate by sending a message to the address, I can set up as many fake email addresses as I wish using various mail services.
- Rate limiting: only allow a certain number of requests per second/minute/hour from a given IP address. This is better than blocking the address all together but I can fool it by slowing down the rate at which I send in votes. This means I get less votes but I can still beat the system if I run for long enough.
- Require a CAPTCHA: make the user enter text from a fuzzy image. These devices are meant to tell the difference between people and scripts and are difficult to break. There has been use of machine learning methods to automatically crack the image codes but the most cost effective way is to pay people on the 'net to enter them manually - this can be worthwhile if the pay-off for submitting many forms is sufficient.
- Require verified registration before accepting a submission. This will be more difficult to break if registration requires responding to an email and decoding a CAPTCHA but in the end it may just slow down the level of automation rather than stop it.
In the end it is an arms race between the people running the service and the people trying to automate submissions. Ultimately anything that can be done in a browser can probably be done by a script so we should be very careful about what transactions are allowed over the net and the level of trust we can place on them.
Copyright © 2015, Steve Cassidy, Macquarie University
Python Web Programming by Steve
Cassidy is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International