An AJAX Example

To show an example of an AJAX application we will develop an AJAX version of the likes application that has been used in previous chapters. As a starting point we'll use the version that was developed in the Web API chapter but modified so that it will only serve an HTML page for the root URL (/) - all other pages return JSON responses. The database (model) part of the application is the same; here is the controller part:

def index():
    """Home page"""
    info = dict()
    info['title'] = 'AJAX ListMaker!'
    return template('jsonlikes.tpl', info)'/likes')
def like(db):
    """Handle the /likes POST request from a JSON submission"""
    if 'likes' in request.json:
        likes = request.json['likes']
        likes = []
    for like in likes:
        if like != '':
            store_like(db, like)
    return "Success"

def getlikes(db):
    """Get a JSON version of the likes data"""
    info = dict()
    # get the list of likes from the database
    info['likes'] = get_likes(db)
    return info

def static(filename):
    return static_file(filename=filename, root='static')

The application will accept a JSON POST submission to register one or more new likes and will respond to a GET request on '/likes' with a JSON list of likes. To build an AJAX application from this we need an HTML page that makes appropriate AJAX calls. The original page will not contain any data (the index handler does not reference the database) and so the first thing we will need to do is to retrieve the list of likes and include them in the page. Here is the outline of a function that creates a request object to query the /likes URL:

function displayLikes() {

    let httpRequest = makeRequest();

    httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (this.readyState === 4) {
            if (this.status === 200) {
                // process the response
    }'GET', '/likes');

The callback handler needs to take the JSON response and parse it to extract the list of likes. Recall that the JSON response will have the following form:

    'likes': ['eggs', 'cheese', 'bread']

Our goal is to display this in the HTML page. If we assume that the page has a <ul> element with a known identifier then our handler just needs to insert the list items into this element for display. So, in our starter HTML page we will add:

 <ul id='things'>

We can now insert list items for each liked thing as follows:

    let text = "";
    let result = JSON.parse(this.responseText);
    for(let i=0; i<result.likes.length; i++) {
        text += "<li>" + result.likes[i] + "</li>";
    document.getElementById('things').innerHTML = text;

This code constructs a string consisting of the list item elements and inserts them as the innerHTML property of the unordered list. This replaces the previous contents of the list and so updates the display. An alternative would be to use the DOM interface to create new elements and contents but this code has the same effect and is simpler.

Having written this code we need to arrange for it to be called when the page is loaded so that the initial list of items are displayed in the page. To arrange for this we can use the window.onload property which should be set to a function that will be called when the page in the current browser window has finished loading. In our case we want displayLikes to be called so we add the following inside the <head> of the page:

<script language='javascript'>
    window.onload = displayLikes;

Handling Updates

The next task is to handle new likes entered by the user. In the original application these were handled by a simple form submission that prompted a page reload. We want to use the same form but instead of submitting it directly we will construct a JSON POST request instead. So the form doesn't need a method or action attribute. We remove these and add an id for the input element so that we can identify it from the Javascript handler:

      <legend>What do you like? </legend>
        <li><input id='likeinput' name='likes'></li>
      <button onclick='return formsubmit();'>Submit</button>

The submit button on the form has been replaced with a button element where we have set an onclick handler that will call the function formsubmit when pressed. Note the technique here that the onclick handler returns the value of the function. If the handler returns false then the form will not be submitted (recall that the default action is to submit the form to the same URL as the page, so not setting an action doesn't prevent submission).

The job of the formsubmit handler is to take the text entered in the input box, construct the right JSON data and send a POST request back to the server. When the request returns, it should arrange to call the displayLikes function to update the display. Here's the implementation of formsubmit:

function formsubmit(){

    let httpRequest = makeRequest();

    httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
        if (this.readyState === 4) {
            if (this.status === 200) {

    // set up the request parameters'POST', '/likes');
    list = [document.getElementById('likeinput').value]
    data = JSON.stringify({'likes':  list});

    httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');

    // reset the form entry
    document.getElementById('likeinput').value = "";

    return false;

The first part of the function sets up the AJAX callback function which just calls displayLikes to update the page. The second part sets up the rest of the request parameters. We construct the data to be sent by first creating a list containing the value entered in the likeinput entry in the form. We use JSON.stringify to create a JSON string representation of the object with a single likes attribute. We then set the content type of the request and send the request with the JSON data as the payload.

The final step in the function is to reset the value in the form to the empty string and return false so that the form is not submitted.

We can put all of the Javascript code together in a single likes.js file that is then loaded in the head of the HTML page.

        <title>List Maker</title>
        <script src='/static/likes.js'></script>
        <script language='javascript'>
            window.onload = displayLikes;

This is a relatively simple AJAX application. It illustrates the use of a single HTML page with no content that uses Javascript to make AJAX requests to update the page content and to submit requests to the server. The same architecture can be used for much more complex applications. Next time you visit Facebook or GMail, note how the initial page loaded is essentially empty and the content arrives after a bit of script activity. If you use your browser tools to observe the requests being made, you will see AJAX in action.