The first version of the programming language Python was created by
Guido von Rossum in 1990 and named after Guido's favorite comedy troupe
Monty Python's Flying Circus. Only later the publisher O'Reilly
associated the language with a snake and put one on the front page of
the first Python book "Programming in Python" that is currently
available in its third
Python is an interpreted, interactive, dynamic object-oriented
programming language. Unlike Java, it is possible to write Python
programs that are not object based, but all the libraries and modules
you will use are object based and many of the language features make it
easier to write code this way. Python has been used in many real-world
applications such as client- and server-side web applications, GUI and
database programming, parallel processing and networked applications. At
Google, for example, Python is used as one of the three primary
programming languages alongside Java and C++. Python is an
language because code is automatically compiled to bytecode which is
then executed by a bytecode interpreter. Unlike Java or C++, there is no
need to compile a program before running it, compilation is handled in
the background by the Python interpreter. Like many other scripting
languages (Tcl, Perl, Ruby) Python excels at handling textual data; the
rich set of libraries that come bundled with the language (Batteries
Included) include many that deal with the web making it an excellent
language to develop server side web applications. Python is also a very
popular "glue language" that can be used to connect in a direct way to
existing libraries written in other languages.
To run Python programs you will need to ensure that you have a version
installed on your computer.
Note that on OS X there is a default installation of Python 2.x, to get
Python 3 you need to download and install the package from the Python
Website. Windows users will not normally have an
installed version of Python so need to download and install it.
Once you have Python installed, you can run the interpreter to enter and
run Python commands directly or run Python scripts. We'll start by
running the interpreter but most of the time you will be writing program
scripts (in .py files) and running them
On the Mac and on Linux, you can run the Python interpreter in a
terminal window by typing the python3
command (or possibly just
if you don't have an older version installed as well). Here's
an example from my Mac (running OSX Lion):
To run a Python program (or script), first save your program code in a
file with a .py
extension, then run it from the command line with the
On Windows you can start an interactive Python session from the Programs
menu, find the Python entry under All Programs, within that you should
see Python (command line) which should start a command window running
the Python interpreter.

The Python console on Windows
### Python in PyCharm
[PyCharm]( is an Integrated Development
Environment (IDE) for Python that provides a number of features to make
writing and debugging Python code easier. It also supports web
development well with support for HTML and CSS files. There is a
free version of PyCharm labelled PycharmCE (Community Edition) which is
great for general development work. You can also get [student versions]( of
the software to use while you are studying.

PyCharm allows you to open any working directory as a project and allows
you to run Python code from within the IDE. You can do this via a
Python Console as shown in the screenshot below or via the green
'Run' icon. Output from running your code is shown within the IDE.
PyCharm also supports the Python debugger and a test runner that
will show you the results of running your Python unit tests in
an interactive way. Finally, PyCharm integrates Version Control
and provides a nice interface to committing changes and interacting
with remote repositories.
Of course, PyCharm is not the only IDE that supports Python, you may
already use another IDE or editor for programming and it may support
Python or have extensions that do so. We will sometimes refer to
PyCharm in this text but nothing here assumes that you are using
it over any other way of editing and running your code.
### Summary
Once you have started the Python interpreter, the language is the same
on every platform. We recommend running your code from within Eclipse
but you may want to find your own way of working with Python using your
own favourite tools.
In the remainder of this text we will use many examples. Some of these
will be examples of interaction with the Python interpreter, in these
you will see the interactive prompt `>>>` displayed at the start of the
line. We will use this where we want to highlight the result of an
interactive computation. Other examples show Python code that you can
cut and paste into your programs or directly to the interpreter. Here's
an example that shows an interactive command and its output highlighted
in a different colour:
>>> print("Hello World")
Hello World
and here's one that is intended to be saved in a file:
Let us start with variables. A variable is something whose value can
change over time. A variable comes into existence the first time you
assign it a value. You do this with an assignment statement (=) which
binds the variable name to an object. In Python, an object can be a
number, a string, a list, and so on, for example:
>>> x = 5 # number
>>> x
>>> x = 'Britney' # string
>>> x
>>> x = [5,'Britney'] # list
>>> x
[5, 'Britney']
In this example, the same variable name is given different types of
value. The `#` symbol introduces a comment, the remainder of the line is
The names of Python variables must follow the following conventions:
- names start with a letter or underscore followed by any number of
letters, digits, order underscores;
- names are unlimited in length;
- names cannot be keywords.
Python variables are not restricted to any particular datatype and any
variable can represent any object. Python takes care of type issues
behind the scenes: like other dynamic languages, all type-checking is
performed at run-time by the interpreter. Therefore, Python is called a
*dynamically typed programming language* because you never have to
declare anything in advance as you do, for example, in a statically
typed language like Java.
Dynamic typing is a double edged sword. On one hand it allows you to be
flexible in the way you write your code. On the other hand it means you
don't need to declare things that might prevent bugs when your code is
run. If you assume that a parameter to a procedure contains an integer
and someone sends you a string, your code will crash (or behave
Note: Technically variables hold references that point to objects stored
in memory.
You can use the Python interpreter directly as a simple calculator
together with the standard operators ( +, -, \*, or / ) and standard
calculation order:
>>> 2 + 3
>>> 2 + 3 * 4
>>> (2 + 3) * 4
Of course, you can assign numbers to variables and then do the
>>> first_number, second_number, third_number = (2, 3, 4)
>>> result = first_number + second_number
>>> result
>>> result = first_number + second_number * third_number
>>> result = (first_number + second_number) * third_number
You can compare numbers using the following comparison operators (<,
<=, >, >=, ==, or !=):
>>> 20 > 14
>>> 14 > 20
>>> first_number < second_number != third_number
If an expression contains mixed types, then Python converts numbers
internally to common type for evaluation, for example:
However, you can convert a number explicitly to a specific type - if
Assignment expressions such as
>>> x = 1
>>> x = x + 2
>>> x
are so common in programming languages that Python provides augmented
assignment operators as shortcus, try:
>>> x = 0
>>> x += 1
>>> x -= 2
>>> x *= 3
>>> x /= 2
>>> x ** 2
>>> x %= 7
>>> x
A string is a sequence of zero or more characters surrounded by singe
quotes ('), double quotes (") or three single or double quotes (''' or
"""), called a triple-quoted string, for example:
>>> str1 = 'Alecia'
>>> str1
>>> str2 = "Alecia Beth Moore"
>>> str2
'Alecia Beth Moore'
>>> str3 = """Alecia Beth Moore
professionally known as Pink"""
>>> str3
'Alecia Beth Moore\nprofessionally known as Pink'
Note that single- and double-quoted strings must be specified on one
line. Triple-quoted strings may span multiple lines. You can embed
single quotes in a double-quoted string and vice versa, and single and
double quotes in a triple-quoted string. Note also that triple-quoted
strings retain their formatting.
Python concatenates the two lines to a single string with a newline
(\\n) character. So, if you print the string, then the output looks as
>>> print(str3)
Alecia Beth Moore
professionally known as Pink
Strings are sequences and like all sequence types in Python we can find
their length with the `len` function:
>>> len(str1)
>>> len(str2)
Strings are ordered sequences of characters and an individual character
can be identified by its position (= index), for example:
>>> str1
>>> str1[0]
>>> str1[1]
>>> 'Alecia'[3]
Sometimes you want to extract (= slice) a substring from a string. A
slice is a substring of a string specified by two indexes, for example:
>>> str1[2:4]
>>> str1[1:-1]
>>> str1[2:]
>>> str1[:2]
Two strings can be concatenated (glued together) with the (+) operator,
and repeated with the (\*) operator, for example:
>>> str4 = 'I Am'
>>> str5 = ' A Rock Star'
>>> str6 = str4 + str5
>>> str6
'I Am A Rock Star'
>>> str7 = str4 + str5*3
>>> str7
'I Am A Rock Star A Rock Star A Rock Star'
Python provides many built-in string methods for manipulating strings;
here are a few of them:
>>> str1.upper()
>>> str1.lower()
>>> str1.find('ci')
>>> str1.upper().find('A')
>>> str1.replace('cia','x')
Sometimes you need to get rid of white space before and/or after a
string. Trimming strips white space from the beginning and the end of a
string and is often used to clean up the user input:
>>> str7 = ' get rid off white space '
>>> str7.lstrip()
'get rid off white space '
>>> str7.rstrip()
' get rid off white space'
>>> str7.strip()
'get rid off white space'
Splitting a string divides the string into substrings and puts them into
a list. Joining is the inverse of splitting. One or more delimiter
characters separate the individual substrings during split and join
opertions, and a "maxsplit" parameter can be used to specify how many
times a string should be splitted:
>>> str8 = 'John Miller, 22 Essex Street, 2121 Epping, Sydney'
>>> str8.split(',')
['John Miller', ' 22 Essex Street', ' 2121 Epping', ' Sydney']
>>> str8.split(', ')
['John Miller', '22 Essex Street', '2121 Epping', 'Sydney']
>>> str8.split(', ',1)
['John Miller', '22 Essex Street, 2121 Epping, Sydney']
>>> words = str8.split(',')
>>> ' '.join(words)
'John Miller 22 Essex Street 2121 Epping Australia'
>>> ','.join(words)
'John Miller, 22 Essex Street, 2121 Epping, Australia'
Note that delimiter characters do no occur as part of substrings in the
resulting list and white space characters count as single delimiters. If
the "maxsplit" parameter is omitted, all possible splits are made.
Note also that in Python strings are *immutable* sequences of
characters; you can't actually modify a string, you need to make a new
string with any changes you want.
Sometimes it is useful to treat a string as a list of characters. You
can convert a string into a list and perform list operations on this
list, and then convert the resulting list back into a string, for
>>> chars = list('fedcba')
>>> chars
['f', 'e', 'd', 'c', 'b', 'a']
>>> chars.sort()
>>> chars
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']
>>> newstring = ''.join(chars)
>>> newstring
As already discussed, lists are ordered sequences of objects and can
contain any type of other objects. Lists are like arrays in other
programming languages and can grow and shrink as needed. In order to
create a list, simply enclose zero or more items in brackets:
>>> lst1 = ['apple','peach',['pumpkin','melon'],[1,2,3]]
>>> print(lst1)
['apple', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], [1, 2, 3]]
Like strings, lists are a sequence type and we can find the length
of a list with the `len` function:
An individual item in a list is identified by its position similar to a
character in a string, for example:
>>> lst1[2]
['pumpkin', 'melon']
>>> lst1[-1]
[1, 2, 3]
Nested items can be accessed with multiple indexes, for example:
>>> lst1[2][1]
>>> lst1[3][0]
You can extract a slice of a list by specifying the two indexes that
demarcate a sequence of items, for example:
>>> lst2 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
>>> print(lst2[0:2], lst2[1:3], lst2[-3:-1])
[1, 2] [2, 3] [4, 5]
You can use the (+) operator to concatenate two lists:
>>> lst3 = lst1 + lst2
>>> lst3
['apple', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], [1, 2, 3], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
There is an operator (in) that can be used to test if a particular item
is part of a list or not:
>>> 'apple' in lst1
>>> 'apple' in lst2
>>> 4 not in lst1
>>> 4 not in lst2
In Python, there exist a number of built-in methods and operations that
can be used to modify a list. Here is a small selection of them:
>>> lst1.append('tomato')
>>> lst1
['apple', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], [1, 2, 3], 'tomato']
>>> lst1.insert(1,'lemon')
>>> lst1
['apple', 'lemon', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], [1, 2, 3], 'tomato']
>>> lst1.remove([1,2,3])
>>> lst1
['apple', 'lemon', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], 'tomato']
>>> lst1.index('lemon')
>>> lst1[1] = 'lime'
>>> lst1
['apple', 'lime', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], 'tomato']
>>> lst1[0] = []
>>> lst1
[[], 'lime', 'peach', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], 'tomato']
>>> lst1.sort()
>>> lst1
[[], ['pumpkin', 'melon'], 'lime', 'peach', 'tomato']
>>> lst1.reverse()
>>> lst1
['tomato', 'peach', 'lime', ['pumpkin', 'melon'], []]
Tuples are ordered sequences of objects that are enclosed in
parentheses. At the first glance, tuples look very similar to lists but
the difference is that tuples cannot be modified. That means tuples are
immutable like strings and have a fixed length. Many tuple and list
operations are the same, apart from those operations that you can use to
modify a list. So why do we need tuples at all? Tuples are faster to
access and consume less memory than lists, and they are handy if you
want to make sure that your data cannot be modified. Here is an example
that illustrates what you can do with tuples and what not:
>>> tup1 = ('apple', 'peach', ('pumpkin','melon'),(1,2,3))
>>> tup1[2][1]
>>> tup1.append(4)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#74>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'append'
As you can see above, if you attempt to use the "append()" method that
works for lists on a tuple, Python will rise an AttributeError exception
since tuples have no methods - you cannot append anything to a tuple.
Remember: tuples are immutable.
Tuples are another sequence type and we can find their length with the `len`
An annoying feature of Python syntax is that parentheses do double duty
as the delimiters of a tuple and for identifying parts of expressions.
So, I can write an expression:
and x would get the value 5 as you would expect. But what if I wanted to
assign x to a tuple containing the number 5?
Python can't tell that this is supposed to be a tuple rather than an
expression, so it defaults to treating it as an expression and assigning
5 to x. To get a tuple, you need to insert a comma after the value:
There are a number of situations where you will need a tuple of one
thing and this will most likely bite you - the error messages will look
wierd and you won't be able to see what the problem is. You've been
Dictionaries are another data structure that hold a collection of
arbitrary objects (values). In contrast to a list where each value is
accessed by an index, a dictionary uses an unique identifier (= key) to
access a value. Dictionaries (also known as associative arrays) consist
of zero or more comma-separated key-value pairs that are enclosed in
braces. The key and its value are separated by a colon (:):
>>> dict1 = {'first_name':'John', 'second_name':'Miller', 'profession':'plumber', 'age':'32'}
>>> print(dict1)
{'age': '32', 'first_name': 'John', 'profession': 'plumber', 'second_name': 'Miller'}
As the example above illustrates, dictionaries are unordered. This is
because Python stores key-value pairs in a way that speeds up the key
lookup and you cannot control how this is done internally. That means
you have to consider dictionaries as randomly ordered.
Python provides a number of operators and methods to retrieve values and
key-value pairs from a dictionary:
>>> dict1['age']
>>> dict1.values()
dict_values(['plumber', 'Miller', 'John', '32'])
>>> dict1.keys()
dict_keys(['profession', 'second_name', 'first_name', 'age'])
>>> dict1.items()
dict_items([('profession', 'plumber'), ('second_name', 'Miller'), ('first_name', 'John'), ('age', '32')])
>>> 'profession' in dict1
>>> len(dict1)
Note that `dict_values`, `dict_keys`, `dict_items` are [dictionary view
Quite often, you'll be converting the output to a list, like so:
>>> keys = list(dict1.keys())
>>> print(keys)
['profession', 'second_name', 'first_name', 'age']
>>> values = list(dict1.values())
>>> print(values)
['plumber', 'Miller', 'John', '32']
>>> items = list(dict1.items())
[('profession', 'plumber'), ('second_name', 'Miller'), ('first_name', 'John'), ('age', '32')]
Like lists, dictionaries are mutable, you can add and remove key-value
pairs and combine dictionaries, for example:
>>> dict1['salary'] = '75000'
>>> dict1
{'salary': '75000', 'age': '32', 'first_name': 'John', 'profession': 'plumber', 'second_name': 'Miller'}
>>> del dict1['profession']
>>> dict1
{'salary': '75000', 'age': '32', 'first_name': 'John', 'second_name': 'Miller'}
>>> dict1.clear()
>>> dict1
>>> dict2 = {'one':'un', 'two':'deux', 'three':'trois'}
>>> dict3 = {'four':'quatre', 'five':'cinq'}
>>> dict2.update(dict3)
>>> dict2
{'four': 'quatre', 'three': 'trois', 'five': 'cinq', 'two': 'deux', 'one': 'un'}
Control Flow Statements
Control flow statements determine the execution sequence of statements
in a program. The most important control flow statements are: `if`,
`for`, `while`, and `try`.
Indentation is Python's way of grouping statements! There are no braces
like in Java or C++, just indentation, this can be a source of confusion
because you need to be consistent in how much indentation you use in a
block, common problems come from mixing spaces and tab characters for
indentation, so be sure to configure your editor to use spaces for
indentation if you are able to do so. The Python style guide suggests
that you indent by four spaces for each block. You can probably
configure your editor (eg. Eclipse) to use spaces instead of tabs when
it indents Python code. Whatever you do, be consistent.
Control flow statements consist of a header line followed by one or more
indented statements. The header line always ends with a colon (:) and a
block of indented statements. Python requires that a block contains at
least one statement (you can use the `pass` statement to create a null
statement if the logic requires one).
When you enter statement blocks in the interactive Python interepreter
the prompt changes from `>>>` to `...` when you are inside the block, to
finish the block you need to enter a blank line with no indentation.
The `if` statement is a conditional statement and executes a block of
statements, if a Boolean expression is true - for example:
>>> numbers = [3,2,5,1,4]
>>> numbers.sort()
>>> num1 = 2
>>> num2 = 4
>>> if (num1 < num2) and (num1 in numbers) and (num2 in numbers):
... print(num1, 'precedes', num2, 'in a sorted list')
2 precedes 4 in a sorted list
The `for` statement is an iterative statement that loops over a sequence
of values. Unlike in C++ or Java, the for loop doesn't use a counter and
end condition; instead it binds a variable to subsequent values within a
sequence. This is useful since the most common use for a for loop is to
operate on all members of a sequence in order - for example:
>>> numbers = [3,4,1,9,5]
>>> for number in numbers:
... print(number)
If you do want a counted loop analogous to a Java or C++ for loop then
you need to generate a sequence of numbers, the `range` function can be
used for this. `range(10)` generates a seqence of 10 numbers from 0 to
9. Here's an example:
>>> for index in range(5):
... print(index, ":", index*index)
0 : 0
1 : 1
2 : 4
3 : 9
4 : 16
If you are coming from a background in another programming language, it
is tempting to use counted for loops like the above more than is
necessary in Python. Most for loops are iterations over a sequence and
the counter variable is used to index into the sequence. In Python, the
for loop variable iterates over the sequence for you so you almost never
need to use an index variable. Always think `for number in numbers:`
rather than `for index in range(len(numbers)):`.
The `while` statement is an interative statement that repeats a block of
statements as long as a condition remains true - for example:
>>> n = 5
>>> i = 1
>>> while i <= n :
... print(i, 'x 3 =', i*3)
... i = i + 1
1 x 3 = 3
2 x 3 = 6
3 x 3 = 9
4 x 3 = 12
5 x 3 = 15
A good example of how dictionaries are useful is shown in this example
which uses a for loop to count the frequency of words in a list. The
dictionary is used to store the fequency of a word, when a new word is
found, the count is set to 1, if the word exists, the count is
words = ["one", "two", "one", "two", "three", "four", "one"]
freq = dict()
for word in words:
if word in freq:
freq[word] += 1
freq[word] = 1
for word in freq.keys():
print(word, ":", freq[word])
Do the same thing for the subsequent program: it illustrates the use of
an "if-elif-else" conditional. Here the "elif" clause tests for
additional independent conditions after the "if" statement, and the
"else" clause specifies the statement that is executed, if none of the
precededing conditions is true:
string = input('Enter your age: ')
age = int(string)
if age < 0:
print('You entered a negative number.\n')
elif age < 3 or age > 100:
print('You are too young or too old to use this program.\n')
print('This corresponds to', age*7, 'dog years.\n')
Note that the built-in function `input()` prompts the user for input.
What happens if you don't input a number into the program but a string
instead? How can you fix this problem?
The subsequent example uses a "for" loop and an "if-else" conditional -
what does the program compute?
names = ['Rob', 'Bill', 'Sue', 'Marc', 'Sue']
duplicate_counter = 0
previous_name = names[0]
del names[0]
for name in names:
if previous_name == name:
duplicate_counter = duplicate_counter + 1
print('Duplicate found:', name)
previous_name = name
if duplicate_counter == 0:
print('No duplicates were found')
print('Number of duplicates found:', duplicate_counter)
Copyright © 2009-2012 Rolf Schwitter, Steve Cassidy, Macquarie
Python Web Programming by
Cassidy is licensed under a [Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International